A Rapid Ethnographic Study of the Impact of Covid-19 on Child Feeding Practices in Nsange Indigenous Community, Zambia

Eness Mwape Chisenga *

School of Public Health, University of Zambia, Zambia.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The COVID-19 pandemic has emerged as a global crisis, exerting multifaceted impacts on societies worldwide. Amidst the myriad of challenges, vulnerable populations, particularly indigenous communities, stand at the forefront of adversity. This paper delves into the repercussions of the pandemic on child feeding practices within the Nsange Indigenous Community of Zambia. Employing a qualitative rapid ethnographic design, this study meticulously scrutinizes the intricate interplay between the pandemic and traditional child feeding practices. Through interviews, Focus Group Discussion and ethnographic observations conducted within the Nsange community, a nuanced understanding of the multifaceted effects of COVID-19 on child nutrition emerges. The findings illuminate the disruptive nature of the pandemic, unravelling its pervasive influence on the availability, accessibility, and affordability of nutritious local food resources. The imposition of lockdown measures, disruptions in local food markets, and economic downturns exacerbated pre-existing vulnerabilities, compelling caregivers to navigate unprecedented challenges in sustaining optimal child nutrition. Furthermore, the study unveils the intricate socio-cultural dynamics shaping feeding behaviours within the Nsange community. Traditional beliefs, gender roles, and intergenerational knowledge transmission intersect with the pandemic-induced disruptions, shaping adaptive responses and resilience strategies. This study not only contributes to the burgeoning literature on pandemic-induced vulnerabilities, but also underscores the imperative of context-specific interventions. By shedding light on the experiences of the Nsange Indigenous Community, this study advocates for tailored policies and interventions aimed at safeguarding child nutrition amidst the enduring shadows of the pandemic.

Keywords: COVID-19, indigenous communities, child feeding, nutrition, Zambia

How to Cite

Chisenga, E. M. (2024). A Rapid Ethnographic Study of the Impact of Covid-19 on Child Feeding Practices in Nsange Indigenous Community, Zambia. Asian Journal of Food Research and Nutrition, 3(2), 271–276. Retrieved from https://journalajfrn.com/index.php/AJFRN/article/view/130


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