Optimized State of Extraction of Phenolic Compounds of Boscia senegalensis (Pers.) Lam. ex Poir. and Evaluation of their Antihyperglycemic Activities

Thierry Togdjim *

Faculty of Exact and Applied Sciences (FSEA), University of N’Djamena, BP: 1117 N’Djamena, Chad.

Imar Djibrine Soudy

Faculty of Human Health Sciences (FSSH), University of N’Djamena, BP: 1117 N’Djamena, Chad and Food Quality Control Center (CECOQDA), BP: 4486 N’Djamena, Chad.

Mbaiguinam Mbailao

Faculty of Exact and Applied Sciences (FSEA), University of N’Djamena, BP: 1117 N’Djamena, Chad.

Laurent Kodji

Faculty of Exact and Applied Sciences (FSEA), University of N’Djamena, BP: 1117 N’Djamena, Chad.

Aristide Kemoral

Faculty of Exact and Applied Sciences (FSEA), University of N’Djamena, BP: 1117 N’Djamena, Chad.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Introduction: The resurgence of diabetes and some side effects of synthetic drugs used for its treatment led us to study a plant used in traditional medicine, Boscia senegalensis for its treatment. This work aims to optimize the aqueous extract of B. senegalensis and to evaluate its antihyperglycemic activity.

Methods: For this study, several phytochemical assays were performed, to obtain extracts with better concentrations and good effectiveness.

Results: The analyses allowed to see the possible correlations between the variables (time and mass of the powder) then the answers show that the effects have P values 0.05. This indicates that they are significantly different from zero to 95.0% confidence level with different optimal areas for good extraction of phenolic compounds from this plant. Several experiments are performed on normoglycemic rats on the model of oral-induced hyperglycemia. The extract is administered at a single dose of 200 mg/kg in proportion to the animal’s weight. Blood sugar normally varies up to a level where the extract has its effects. The peaks are reached at 30 min showing here that the extracts significantly lower blood sugar.

Conclusion: The extracts significantly reduced glycemia taking into account optimization conditions.

Keywords: Boscia senegalensis, optimization, extraction, phenolic compounds, antihyperglycemia

How to Cite

Togdjim, T., Soudy, I. D., Mbailao, M., Kodji, L., & Kemoral, A. (2024). Optimized State of Extraction of Phenolic Compounds of Boscia senegalensis (Pers.) Lam. ex Poir. and Evaluation of their Antihyperglycemic Activities. Asian Journal of Food Research and Nutrition, 3(3), 702–713. Retrieved from https://journalajfrn.com/index.php/AJFRN/article/view/166


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