Proximate, Minerals and Sensory Evaluation of Breakfast Cereal Made from Acha Enriched with Soybeans and Sesame Seed Flour

Alebiosu, I.A. *

Department of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, Afe Babalola University Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Breakfast cereal is a major morning meal and it is a source of nutrients for both children and adults.  Therefore, this study aimed at evaluating the proximate analysis, mineral and sensory evaluation of breakfast cereal made from acha enriched with soybean and sesame seed flour.  Raw materials used for this study were purchased from Ojakoko in Owo Local Government, Ondo State. Four composite blends were formulated into ratio; sample A (70% Acha; 20% soybean; 10% sesame seed), sample B (60% Acha; 25% soybean; 15% sesame seed), sample C (50% Acha; 25% soybean; 25% sesame seed) and sample D (40% Acha; 40% soybean; 20% sesame seed). Standard procedures were used to determine the proximate and minerals composition while sensory properties were determined using 9 point hedonic scale. Data generated were statistically analyzed using analysis of variance to test for the significant difference among means (P<0.05) using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS version 25).  Finding shows that the sample B (12.26%) was significantly (P<0.05) higher in moisture content compared to other samples. Sample A was significantly (P<0.05) high in protein (26.94%), fat (21.09%) and Ash (3.82%). Crude fibre was significantly (P<0.05) high in sample C (6.25%) while sample A (41.91%) was significantly (P<0.05) high in carbohydrate. Mineral analysis shows that the sample A significantly (P<0.05) had the highest value for sodium (114.55ppm), calcium (161.40ppm), potassium (711.25ppm), magnesium (17.55ppm), iron (3.19ppm) and phosphorus (71.51ppm) while sample D had the least Ca (135.50ppm), Mg (10.92ppm) and P (62.63ppm). Results on sensory evaluation shows that sample D had the highest values in terms of flavour (5.70), aroma (5.25), appearance (5.10), taste (4.60) and colour (5.60). In conclusion, the Acha enriched breakfast cereal had an appreciable amount of nutrients and sensory attribute but sample A had the most promising nutrient composition including minerals content while sample D had the most acceptable organoleptic quality and can improve the nutritional status of the consumer.

Keywords: Acha, sesame seed, proximate, minerals, sensory attributes

How to Cite

I.A., A. (2024). Proximate, Minerals and Sensory Evaluation of Breakfast Cereal Made from Acha Enriched with Soybeans and Sesame Seed Flour. Asian Journal of Food Research and Nutrition, 3(4), 1131–1139. Retrieved from


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