Phytochemical, Mineral, and Proximate Characterization of Seed and Pod of Aligator Pepper [Aframomum melegueta]

Yerinbide O. *

Department of Biochemistry/Chemistry Technology, School of Science Laboratory Technology, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria.

Onwugbuta G. C.

Department of Biochemistry/Chemistry Technology, School of Science Laboratory Technology, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria.

Tonye W.

Department of Biochemistry/Chemistry Technology, School of Science Laboratory Technology, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


This study investigated the phytochemical and proximate composition of Seed and Pod methanol extract of Aframomum melegueta. The Seed and the pods extraction were performed by Soxhlet extraction method using methanol. Screening and quantification of total phytochemical in the seed and pod of methanolic extract of Aframomum melegueta was carried out using gas chromatography. The proximate composition was carried based on standard methods. The phytochemical composition of the seed revealed the presence of eight phytochemical in which flavonoid has the highest percentage 4.29%, followed by saponin (3.98%), allkaloids (3.85%), phenol (3.54%) tanin (2.35%) terpenoid (1.85%) and steroid (1.25).  The phytochemical content of the pod extract was flavanoid (5.10%) which was observed to be highest in concentration, followed by saponin (1.32%), terpenoid (0.76%) steriod (0.64%), alkaloid (0.38) tannin (0.37%) while the least was phenol (0.07%).  The protein content of the seed methanolic extract was  38.67+ 0.02% which was highest in percentage  followed fiber (21.71 + 0.01%), nitrogen free extract (13.81 + 0.0.3%), lipid (10.35  + 0.01%), moisture (7.80 + 0.02%), dry matter (5.20 + 0.02%), while the least was ash (2.46 +0.02%). The dry matter of the pod was 7.80 + 0.02%, which was highest in percentage, follow by nitrogen free extract (21.71 + 0.01%), fibre (5.20 + 0.02%), moisture (6.54 + 0.02%), protein (25.30 + 0.02%), ash, (6.40+0.02%), and lipid (5.76 + 0.02%). The phytochemical, mineral, and proximate compositions characterized showed Aframomum melegueta pod and seed could have excellent nutritional values, hence justifies their consumption as vegetable in Nigeria.

Keywords: Aframomum melegueta, methanol extract, seed, pod, phytochemicals, proximate

How to Cite

Yerinbide O., Onwugbuta G. C., & Tonye W. (2024). Phytochemical, Mineral, and Proximate Characterization of Seed and Pod of Aligator Pepper [Aframomum melegueta]. Asian Journal of Food Research and Nutrition, 3(1), 92–97. Retrieved from


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