Heavy Metal Contamination in Maize and Cowpea Flours: A Study of Awareness and Health Risks in Enugu State, Nigeria
John I Eze
Department of Food Science and Technology, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria.
Paul C. Onyeke *
Department of Educational Foundation and Administration, Federal College of Education, Eha-Amufu, Enugu State, Nigeria.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Aim: This study aimed to assess the awareness and implications of heavy metal contamination in cereal and legume flours among residents of Enugu State, Nigeria.
Study Design: The research employed a cross-sectional survey design combined with laboratory analysis to investigate public awareness and measure heavy metal concentrations in selected food samples.
Place and Duration: The study was conducted in Enugu State, Nigeria, focusing on three towns—Enugu, Nsukka, and Oji River—over a period of six months.
Methodology: A structured questionnaire was administered to 360 residents across the three towns to evaluate their awareness of heavy metals and their potential health implications. Additionally, maize and cowpea flour samples were collected from the three towns and analyzed in the laboratory for heavy metal concentrations. The results were compared against permissible limits set by FAO/WHO.
Results: The survey revealed a significant knowledge gap among respondents, with only a small percentage aware of heavy metals and their associated health risks. Laboratory analysis showed varying concentrations of heavy metals in maize and cowpea flours across the towns. Enugu recorded higher concentrations. Some heavy metals in Enugu exceeded FAO/WHO permissible limits, whereas Nsukka and Oji River had levels within acceptable limits.
Conclusion: The findings emphasize the urgent need for enhanced public education on food contamination risks, stricter food safety policies, and targeted interventions to address heavy metal exposure and improve environmental health monitoring in agricultural practices.
Keywords: Heavy metal contamination, cereal, legume, awareness, Enugu State